I finish your quilts so you can get started on another one!

Hi, I’m Heidi! I’m the face behind the quilt machine over here at Piece & Joy Quilting Co. I’ve been at it now for a little while… since 2007 to be exact. Back then I was fulfilling my dream of being a stay at home mom with 2 (soon to be 3) kiddos but wanted to contribute to our family financially. My love of quilting led me down the path of purchasing an APQS longarm and I haven’t looked back. I was a freehand only quilter for about 10 years before adding an Intelliquilter system to my machine in 2017. In October of 2020 I added a second APQS Millennium machine, and in 2023 I purchased a Millie30 and another Intelliquilter system. I still do most custom work freehand but the computer helps with edge to edge designs. It’s my joy to help you finish your quilts so they can be used and cherished!

My home studio is located in the lush (and by lush I mean wet!) green countryside of NW Oregon, just outside of Dallas. (that’s Dallas, Oregon ya’ll… not Texas). I’m happy to meet with you in person if you are local or to quilt for you by mail. Just reach on out… I’d love to chat!
Schedule a Quilt for quilting
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